출처: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2262679/flash-cs4-sqlite
I'm looking for some information regarding using SQLITE with AIR in Flash CS4, I cannot find any good examples, they're all built for Flex (which I don't want to use). Can anyone give me some basic examples of how to do this with Flash CS4 or direct me to some code examples / tutorials? I cannot find any anywhere...
Here is an example from: http://www.flashmove.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34778
import flash.data.SQLResult;
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.data.SQLStatement;
import flash.data.SQLConnection;
import flash.data.SQLColumnSchema;
import flash.data.SQLTableSchema;
import flash.data.SQLSchemaResult;
import flash.events.SQLEvent;
import flash.events.SQLErrorEvent;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
var sqlFile:File;
var sqlConn:SQLConnection;
var sqlStatement:SQLStatement;
go_mc.buttonMode = true;
go_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, runQuery)
readDB_mc.buttonMode = true;
readDB_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, readDB)
var exampleQuery:String = "INSERT INTO users (First_Name, Last_Name) VALUES ('Betty', 'Boil')";
query_txt.text = exampleQuery;
* Setup connection to db file
function init():void {
sqlConn = new SQLConnection();
sqlConn.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, connOpenHandler);
sqlConn.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, errorHandler);
sqlFile = new File(File.applicationDirectory.nativePath);
sqlFile = sqlFile.resolvePath("users.db");
feedback("Path to db file: "+sqlFile.nativePath);
function connOpenHandler(event:SQLEvent):void {
feedback("DB Open");
sqlStatement = new SQLStatement();
sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;
sqlStatement.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, errorHandler);
* Output the DB structure
function dbScheme() {
var result:SQLSchemaResult = sqlConn.getSchemaResult();
var table:SQLTableSchema = result.tables[0];
//var column:SQLColumnSchema = table.columns[0]
feedback("\tTable: "+table.name)
for (var i=0; i<table.columns.length; i++) {
feedback("\tColumn "+i+" - "+table.columns[i].name);
* Output DB contents
function readDB(e:Event = null) {
sqlStatement.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, selectResultHandler);
sqlStatement.text = "SELECT * FROM users";
* Run custom query
function runQuery(e:MouseEvent) {
var sqlQuery:String = query_txt.text;
feedback("Query: "+sqlQuery);
sqlStatement.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, queryResultHandler);
sqlStatement.text = sqlQuery;
function queryResultHandler(e:SQLEvent){
sqlStatement.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, queryResultHandler);
* Handle readDB (SELECT) query
function selectResultHandler(event:SQLEvent):void {
feedback("Query Results...");
sqlStatement.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, selectResultHandler);
var result:SQLResult = sqlStatement.getResult();
if (result.data != null) {
var numRows:int = result.data.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
var row:Object = result.data[i];
feedback("\tid:"+ row.id+ ", name:"+ row.First_Name+" "+row.Last_Name);
function errorHandler(event:*):void {
feedback("An error occured while executing the statement.");
function feedback(w:*) {
output_txt.verticalScrollPosition = output_txt.maxVerticalScrollPosition;
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I am developing a small game for Air Android in flash CS6, this game I'm programming object-oriented with classes written in AS3.
I want you to help me write a class that connects to SQLite from scratch, please!
I googled but only there information to FLEX or code for insert into frames (and i get lost because i don't know that libraries to import), it's not what I want.
I want to create the connection class to use in my class Main.
I hope I have your support, thank you.
Excuse my English but I speak Spanish.
You need 'Synchronous' or 'Asynchronous' sqlite connection ? You can see differences here: - Best practices for developing AIR Application with SQLite
1. There is an example for 'async' connection :SQLConnection - you just have to modify and remove transactions part (if you do not need it).
2. 'sync' is easy and i prefer this way
import flash.data.SQLConnection;
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.data.SQLMode; //if you use SQLMode: CREATE | UPDATE | READ
import flash.data.SQLStatement;
import flash.data.SQLResult;
import flash.errors.SQLError;
public class SQLiteConn
private var dbFile:File = new File("pathtofile");
private var conn:SQLConnection;
private var stmt:SQLStatement;
private var arr:Array;
public function SQLiteConn()
//open sqlite DB
public function openSQLite():Boolean {
conn = new SQLConnection;
if (dbFile.exists) {
try {
return true;
catch (error:SQLError) {
trace(error.details, error.message);
return false;
//execute statement and get result/s
public function executeStatement(stmtText:String, param1:String, param2:String):Array {
if (conn.connected) {
stmt = new SQLStatement();
stmt.sqlConnection = con;
stmt.text = stmtText;
stmt.parameters[0] = param1;
stmt.parameters[1] = param2;
try {
var result:SQLResult = stmt.getResult();
if (result.data != null) {
var total:int = result.data.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < total; i++) {
row = result.data[i];
arr.push( { id:row.tablerowID } );
else {
arr.push({id: -1}); //no result/s
catch (error:SQLError) {
arr.push({id: -2}); //sqlite error
else {
arr.push({id: -2}); //no connection
return arr;
//close sqliteConnection
public function closeSQLiteConn():void {
if (conn.connected) {
you can also 'dispatch event' from that class - it is your choise :)
The flollowing is a simplistic example that create a sqlite database, add, get, update and remove records from the “user” table.
You might have wondered about this line:
sqlConnection.openAsync(dbFile); |
.Asychnronous means that your code will have an event listener on the SQLConnection and an event handler for the response.
.Synchronous means that your application will make an “inline” call to SQLite where it performs the operation and then moves on as if it were any other line of actionscript code.This tutorial is using the asynchronous method.
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=”http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml” layout=”absolute”
fontSize=”12″ backgroundColor=”#FFFFFF” width=”600″ height=”700″>
import flash.data.SQLConnection;
import flash.events.SQLErrorEvent;
import flash.events.SQLEvent;
import flash.filesystem.File;
private var conn:SQLConnection;
private var initComplete:Boolean = false;
private var sqlStat:SQLStatement;
public function openDatabaseConnection():void{
// create new sqlConnection
sqlConnection = new SQLConnection();
sqlConnection.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, onDatabaseOpen);
sqlConnection.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, errorHandler);
// get currently dir
var dbFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("sampleDB.db");
// open database,If the file doesn't exist yet, it will be created
// connect and init database/table
private function onDatabaseOpen(event:SQLEvent):void
// init sqlStatement object
sqlStat = new SQLStatement();
sqlStat.sqlConnection = conn;
var sql:String = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (" +
" name TEXT, " +
" password TEXT" +
sqlStat.text = sql;
sqlStat.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, statResult);
sqlStat.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, createError);
private function statResult(event:SQLEvent):void
// refresh data
var sqlresult:SQLResult = sqlStat.getResult();
if(sqlresult.data == null){
datafiled.dataProvider = sqlresult.data;
// get data
private function getResult():void{
var sqlquery:String = "SELECT * FROM user"
private function createError(event:SQLErrorEvent):void
trace("Error code:", event.error.code);
trace("Details:", event.error.message);
private function errorHandler(event:SQLErrorEvent):void
trace("Error code:", event.error.code);
trace("Details:", event.error.message);
// update
private function excuseUpdate(sql:String):void{
sqlStat.text = sql;
// insert
private function insertemp():void{
var sqlupdate:String = "Insert into user(id,name,password) values('" +
name.text +
"','" +
password.text +
// delete
private function deleteemp():void{
var sqldelete:String = "delete from user where id='" +
datafiled.selectedItem.id +
<mx:TextArea x=”21″ y=”10″ width=”402″ height=”179″ id=”debug”/>
<mx:DataGrid x=”21″ y=”197″ id=”datafiled”>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText=”ID” dataField=”id”/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText=”name” dataField=”name”/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText=”password” dataField=”password”/>
<mx:Form x=”21″ y=”471″>
<mx:FormItem label=”name”>
<mx:TextInput id=”name”/>
<mx:FormItem label=”password”>
<mx:TextInput id=”password”/>
<mx:Button x=”300″ y=”503″ label=”add” click=”insertemp()”/>
<mx:Button x=”300″ y=”533″ label=”delete” click=”deleteemp()”/>
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