출처: http://forums.adobe.com/message/5687066#5687066
load local html on iOS, width event handling
May 27, 2013 6:45 AM
I need to donwload/update and load presentations on iPad. Working with external .swf resulted with uncontrolled crash of application. Im looking for rescue in HTML & JS build presentation.
I'm trying to find solution, that allow me to load .html file from applicationStorageDirectory, and capture events, like window.status in HTMLHost & HTMLLoader, but:
- HTMLloader is not supported on iOS (code that works for desktop, doesn't work for iOS distribution)
- WebStageView doesn't allow me to interact with app, only historyBack()/historyForward()
Does anybody try with success to load and interact html in AIR on iOS, and can shere the solution with others?
437 Views 1 Reply Latest reply: simonschweizer, Sep 16, 2013 2:56 PM
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its not so easy. you can use webstageview. to call javscript from actionscript you have to do something like that this.webview.loadURL("javascript:myfunction('value'));"); notice that you have to call functions.
if you want to call as3 function from javascript you have to use somthing like that window.location.href = "myprotocoll:myfunction?parameter=test";
and in AS3 you need to catach this redirect:
this.webview.addEventListener(LocationChangeEvent.LOCATION_CHANGING,lo cationChanging);
public function locationChanging(evt:LocationChangeEvent):void
var currLocation : String = unescape( (evt as LocationChangeEvent).location );
switch( true )
// javascript calls actionscript
case currLocation.indexOf( 'myprotocoll') != -1:
parseCallBack( currLocation.split('myprotocoll' )[1] );
this is small example I haven't testet it. I use my own JS-AS-Bridge to transfer images or paths, objects, usinge base64 encoding. You can also usehttp://code.google.com/p/stagewebviewbridge/
출처: https://code.google.com/p/stagewebviewbridge/
22/11/2011 New Version 1.0 Beta 3, Added Basic examples, Adobe Docs, fixed some bugs
StageWebViewBridge is an extended version of flash.media.StageWebView.
- Extends Bitmap class, you can modify his x,y,alpha,rotation,visible, etc ( Version 1 Beta )
- Communicates Actionscript with Javascript.
- Communicates Javascript with Actionscript.
- Load local files and resources in a easy way.
- Extends loadString method with AS3 - JS communication.
- Extends loadString method to load local resources.
- Lets you take an SnapShot to use as the bitmapData of the bitmap.
By example you can call javascript from as3
// call javascript with callack function
webView.call('someFunctionToCall', callBackFunction, ...arguments );
// reference local resources in a easy way
<img src="appfile:/image.png">
Lattest swc swc
StageWebViewBridge27.zip is meant to be used with AIR 2.7 or LOWER.
StageWebViewBridge_svn ... .zip is meant to be used with AIR 3.0 or HIGHER.
Download the documentation here
You can download the examples here
Avaliable wiki pages
Manage local resources and cache: CacheFileSystem
Usage: Usage
Communication between as3 and javascript and vice versa: Communication
Load local files and reference resources: ContentLoading
The StageWebViewBridge Class: StageWebViewBridgeClass
The StageWebViewDisk Class: StageWebViewDiskClass
출처: http://blog.naver.com/brane7?Redirect=Log&logNo=70156837782
주의! html은 파일에 포함이 되어야 하며 www경로 안에 들어가 있어야 한다
또한 뒤로 붙는 파라메터는 인식이 되지 않는다
import es.xperiments.media.StageWebViewDisk;
import es.xperiments.media.StageWebviewDiskEvent;
import es.xperiments.media.StageWebViewBridge;
import es.xperiments.media.StageWebViewBridgeEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
// 모바일 에서 작동 한다
var view:StageWebViewBridge;
//디스크 파일시스템을 이용하여 데이터 전송
StageWebViewDisk.addEventListener(StageWebviewDiskEvent.END_DISK_PARSING, onInit );
StageWebViewDisk.setDebugMode( true );
/* Fired when StageWebviewDiskEvent cache process finish */
function onInit( e:StageWebviewDiskEvent ):void
output.appendText( 'END_DISK_PARSING\n');
// create the view
view = new StageWebViewBridge( 0,0, 320,240 );
//웹뷰를 스테이지에 등록 시킨다
addChild( view );
//html페이지에서 클릭시 일정의 변수가 플레시로 넘어온다
view.addCallback('fnCalledFromJS', fnCalledFromJS );
//첨부된 hhtml 을 열어준다
// 플레시에서 버튼클릭시 자바스크립트의 일정 함수를 호출한다
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, callJavascriptFunction );
//html에서 flash로 넘어올때
function fnCalledFromJS( data:String ):void
// append the text coming from JS to the textarea component
output.appendText( data +'\n');
//flash에서 html로 넘어 갈때
function callJavascriptFunction( e:Event ):void
// call javascript fnCalledFromAs3 function from As3
view.call('fnCalledFromAs3',null,'This String comes from AS3');
[출처] stageWebView 에서 flash와 html간의 데이터 통신방법|작성자 LET
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