ADOBE/ ActionScript

플래시 AS3.0 문자별 인코딩 관련

AlrepondTech 2012. 2. 23. 16:22
















as3jcode  I don't believe in ByteArray.readMultiByte/writeMultiByte  = Author  Lyo Kato, <>  = License  MIT-License  = Usage  import org.coderepos.text.encoding.Jcode;  var utf8Bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); utf8Bytes.writeUTFBytes("にほんご");  // convert to EUC-JP byte code var eucBytes:ByteArray = Jcode.utf8_euc(utf8Bytes);  // convert to ISO-2022-JP byte code var jisBytes:ByteArray = Jcode.utf8_jis(utf8Bytes);  // convert to Shift_JIS byte code var jisBytes:ByteArray = Jcode.utf8_sjis(utf8Bytes);  // convert to UTF-16 byte code var utf16Bytes:ByteArray = Jcode.utf8_utf16(utf8Bytes);  // with BOM that represents Big Endian var utf16Bytes:ByteArray = Jcode.utf8_utf16be(utf8Bytes);  utf8Bytes  = Jcode.euc_utf8(eucBytes); utf8nBytes = Jcode.euc_utf8n(eucBytes); utf8Bytes  = Jcode.jis_utf8(jisBytes); utf8nBytes = Jcode.jis_utf8n(jisBytes); utf8Bytes  = Jcode.sjis_utf8(sjisBytes); utf8nBytes = Jcode.sjis_utf8n(sjisBytes);  utf8Bytes  = Jcode.utf16_utf8(sjisBytes); utf8nBytes = Jcode.utf16_utf8n(sjisBytes);  jisBytes  = Jcode.euc_jis(eucBytes); sjisBytes = Jcode.euc_sjis(eucBytes); eucBytes  = Jcode.jis_euc(jisBytes); sjisBytes = Jcode.jis_sjis(jisBytes); eucBytes  = Jcode.sjis_euc(sjisBytes); jisBytes  = Jcode.sjis_jis(sjisBytes);   ** Short circuit  *** Encoding from UTF-8 ActionScript native string  var utf8Bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); utf8Bytes.writeUTFBytes("日本語"); var eucBytes:ByteArray = Jcode.utf8_euc(utf8Bytes);  instread of above 3 lines code, you can use to_xxx methods.  var eucBytes:ByteArray  = Jcode.to_euc("日本語"); var jisBytes:ByteArray  = Jcode.to_jis("日本語"); var sjisBytes:ByteArray = Jcode.to_sjis("日本語");  *** Decoding to UTF-8 ActionScript native string  var utf8String:String = Jcode.from_euc(eucBytes); var utf8String:String = Jcode.from_jis(jisBytes); var utf8String:String = Jcode.from_sjis(sjisBytes);  ** Katakana  Hankaku to Zenkaku  var utf8String:String = Jcode.h2z("アイウエオ"); // utf8String should be "アイウエオ".  var origin:String = Jcode.z2h(utf8String); // origin should be "アイウエオ";  ** Validation  if (Jcode.is_hiragana(utf8string)) {  }  if (Jcode.is_zenkaku_katakana(utf8string)) {  }  if (Jcode.is_hankaku_katakana(utf8string)) {  }  // zenkaku and hankaku katakana if (Jcode.is_katakana(utf8string)) {  }  = TODO  Zenkaku to Hankaku conversion (required?) Support UTF-16LE, UTF-32, (UTF-7) 



flash.utils.ByteArray.readMultiByte(length:uint, charSet:String):String
Reads a multibyte string of specified length from the byte stream using the specified character set.
length The number of bytes from the byte stream to read.
charSet The string denoting the character set to use to interpret the bytes. Possible character set strings include "shift-jis", "cn-gb", "iso-8859-1", and others. For a complete list, see Supported Character Sets.

Note: If the value for the charSet parameter is not recognized by the current system, the application uses the system's default code page as the character set. For example, a value for the charSet parameter, as in myTest.readMultiByte(22, "iso-8859-01") that uses 01 instead of 1 might work on your development machine, but not on another machine. On the other machine, the application will use the system's default code page.

UTF-8 encoded string.
EOFError - There is not sufficient data available to read.
Language Version:
Player Version:
Flash 9, AIR 1.0









