윈도우10 mmc 스냅인 RDP 관련 Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10

AlrepondTech 2016. 1. 25. 01:28


출처: http://windowsitpro.com/windows-10/remote-server-administration-tools-windows-10-released

Here's what's available:

  • Server Manager

  • Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins

  • Consoles

  • Windows PowerShell cmdlets and providers

  • Command-line tools for managing roles and features that run on Windows Server Technical Preview

Additionally, you should know that RSAT for Windows 10 CANNOT manage:

  • DHCP Tools. Dhcpmgmt.msc is not available in this release of RSAT, but equivalent Windows PowerShell cmdlets are available.

  • IP Address Management (IPAM). IPAM tools are not available in this release of RSAT.

  • Network Policy Server Tools. The NPS console is not supported on a Windows client-based operating system, and will be removed from future releases of RSAT.

  • Routing and Remote Access Tools. Routing and Remote Access Tools that are GUI-based cannot be used for remote configuration in this release of RSAT, but the equivalent Windows PowerShell cmdlets are available.

Grab the tools here: Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10


윈도우10: Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 링크


