The use of list controls is becoming very common now, and is used by many apps with the need for some sort of list display. I have used list controls in many projects, and naturally have developed my own classes to display different colors, fonts, and progress bars in list control.
Recently I needed a list control with a checkbox like Hotmail. With a list like Hotmail you have checkbox in column header, and checkboxes in each subitem in that column. To set a check in every subitem, you check the checkbox in the column header. Similarly, if you uncheck one of the subitems, then the checkbox in the column header also gets unchecked.
What's New in 1.4
Subitem editing - thanks to Oleg Matcovsky for providing code that I based this implementation on.
New combo box implementation - thanks to Mathias Tunared's excellent AdvComboBox.
Skip disabled items - fixed this bug, that allowed disabled item to be selected.
Set header alignment, text color, and divider lines.
Set cell padding.
Reduced flickering.
Header checkboxes do not require resource bitmap - the file checkboxes.bmp, is still included in download, but it is no longer really necessary.
Enable ellipsis for text display.
Get modified flag for subitems.
More demo build configurations - 1.4 includes both DLL and static link build configurations, with 3 types of demo apps — dialogs, MDI, and property sheet — and 12 versions of the XListCtrl libraries, including both Unicode and ANSI.
DLL and static library versions - beginning with this version, all XListCtrl code has been organized as libraries that you link with. Table below shows library versions available.
Many bug fixes!
XListCtrl Features
The new CXListCtrl list control class supports these features:
Text and background colors may be specified for each subitem.
One or more subitem text may be displayed as normal or bold font.
One or more subitems may be switched from displaying text to displaying a progress bar, and then back again to text.
Custom text may be specified for progress bar, instead of just displaying usual 10%, 20%, etc. Also, there is option to display no text for progress bar, just the bar itself.
One or more subitems may contain checkbox, with or without text.
One or more subitems may contain combobox control.
One or more subitems may contain edit control.
A row may be disabled, so that checkboxes are unclickable.
The header is displayed flat like Outlook.
XListCtrl Demo
The demo project provides a sample app that shows what the various features look like. Press the Start button and the list control is filled with data.
First column is specified with checkboxes
The second column shows subitem with bold text
The second column shows subitem with different background color
The third column contains progress bar in row 2
The fourth column also contains checkboxes
The fifth column shows subitem with different background color
The sixth column shows subitem with different text and background colors
The second column shows combobox
The sixth row is disabled
The fifth column shows edit control
How To Use
To integrate XListCtrl into your own app, you first need to decide if you want to include XListCtrl code into your own exe (using XListCtrl static link library), or if you want to link to XListCtrl DLL. Using DLL version of XListCtrl makes sense if you plan to use XListCtrl in several apps. The XListCtrl DLL is an MFC extension DLL, so your app must also be MFC-based.
If you plan to use and distribute DLL version of XListCtrl, do not put DLL in Windows directory. This could cause conflicts with other apps that use XListCtrl, and some future version of XListCtrl may not be compatible with the one that you distribute.
To use static XListCtrl library, define symbol XLISTCTRLLIB_STATIC before including header file XListCtrl.h. Otherwise, DLL version of XListCtrl will be linked to your app. Regardless of which version you link with, you must change your app's build environment as follows:
Go to Project | Settings | C/C++ | Preprocessor and add the XListCtrl source directory to Additional include directories. Also, on the left side of the Settings dialog, choose All Configurations. Click OK to save this setting.
Go to Project | Settings | Link | Input and add the XListCtrl library directory to Additional library path. Again, on the left side of the Settings dialog, choose All Configurations. Click OK to save this setting.
Automatic Library Selection
Using symbols _AFXDLL, XLISTCTRLLIB_STATIC, _DEBUG, and _UNICODE, the following code in XListCtrl.h automatically determines which XListCtrl library to link to your app:
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#ifndef XLISTCTRLLIB_NOAUTOLIB #if defined _AFXDLL && !defined XLISTCTRLLIB_STATIC // MFC shared DLL with XListCtrl shared DLL #ifdef _UNICODE #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlDDDU.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlDDDU.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlDDRU.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlDDRU.lib") #endif #else #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlDDDA.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlDDDA.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlDDRA.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlDDRA.lib") #endif #endif #elif defined _AFXDLL && defined XLISTCTRLLIB_STATIC // MFC shared DLL with XListCtrl static lib #ifdef _UNICODE #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlDSDU.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlDSDU.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlDSRU.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlDSRU.lib") #endif #else #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlDSDA.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlDSDA.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlDSRA.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlDSRA.lib") #endif #endif #elif !defined _AFXDLL && defined XLISTCTRLLIB_STATIC // MFC static lib with XListCtrl static lib #ifdef _UNICODE #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlSSDU.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlSSDU.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlSSRU.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlSSRU.lib") #endif #else #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlSSDA.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlSSDA.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib,"XListCtrlSSRA.lib") #pragma message("Automatically linking with XListCtrlSSRA.lib") #endif #endif #else #pragma message(" ") #pragma message("-------------------------------------" + "-------------------------------------") #pragma message(" The SD build configuration (MFC static," + " XListCtrl DLL) is not available. ") #pragma message("-------------------------------------" + "-------------------------------------") #pragma message(" ") #error This build configuration is not available. #endif #endif
XListCtrl Library Naming Conventions
XListCtrl Library Naming Conventions
Library Name
——— not built ———
Building XListCtrl Libraries
To build the XListCtrl libraries, go to Build | Batch Build and select the libraries you wish to build:
Then click on Rebuild All and the libraries will be built. By default, the .lib and .dll files are copied to the bin directory.
Tips and Tricks
Rebuilding dialog demos - If you rebuild any of the dialog demos, be sure to use Rebuild All command. Reason: the dialog demos all share the same output file directories, and you will get linker errors if you compile only one module, and try to link with modules that were compiled with different set of build options.
Eliminate flickering - When updating or filling the list control, there is sometimes flickering of list control and/or other controls on dialog. To eliminate this flickering, you may try one of the following methods:
Use CListCtrl::LockWindowUpdate()/CListCtrl::UnlockWindowUpdate() to bracket the updating code.
Use CListCtrl::SetRedraw(FALSE)/CListCtrl::SetRedraw(TRUE) to bracket the updating code.
After using one of these methods, you probably should call list.UpdateWindow() to make sure control is updated. If one method doesn't completely eliminate flickering in your application, try other method to determine which works best.
Using tooltips - You must first call CListCtrl::EnableToolTips(TRUE).
Using combobox and edit controls - You must set LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT style.
Revision History
Version 1.4 Changes
Subitem editing
New combo box implementation
Skip disabled items
APIs to set header alignment, text color, and divider lines
Set cell padding
Reduced flickering
Header checkboxes do not require resource bitmap
Enable ellipsis for text display
API to get modified flag for subitems
More demo build configurations
DLL and static library versions
Many bug fixes!
Version 1.3 Changes
This version includes many bug fixes that have been accumulating. My thanks for all who have reported bugs. Please try this new version and let me know if you find any bugs, or have suggestions for future enhancements.
Added hot-tracking to combo's listbox.
Added compile-time option to remove support for comboboxes. (This reduce exe size by about 8 Kb). To remove combobox support, put this line in stdafx.h:
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If you insert this define, you do not need to include XComboList.cpp or XComboList.h in your project.
Changed CXComboList::SetActive to accept scroll bar width as input parameter.
Fixed bug that caused string to not be displayed when clicking outside item string (reported by James Moore). This also caused problems in property pages and other places.
Fixed bug that caused some strings not to be selected, when drag-selecting several items quickly (reported by James Moore).
Fixed several problems with displaying images in header and list control (reported by Scot Brennecke).
Changed message map macros for NM_CLICK and LVN_COLUMNCLICK to use ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX(), to allow parent to handle message also (suggested by bkupcins).
Fixed problem in XHeaderCtrl caused when XP theming is enabled. The GetHeaderCheckedState()/SetHeaderCheckedState() functions now use 0 = no check box, 1 = unchecked check box, 2 = checked check box. Note: The checkboxes.bmp file has also been updated, and must be replaced in all project that use 1.3 XListCtrl. The new defines XHEADERCTRL_NO_IMAGE, XHEADERCTRL_UNCHECKED_IMAGE, and XHEADERCTRL_CHECKED_IMAGE should be used when setting the image in the header control (see XListCtrlTestDlg.cpp for example).
Replaced calls to GetSysColor() with class variables that are set in ctor. Class variables are reloaded in response to WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message (suggested by KarstenK).
Added ASSERT if combo boxes are used without LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT style.
Added two registered messages that XListCtrl will send to its parent when combo box selection is changed (WM_XLISTCTRL_COMBO_SELECTION) and when check box is clicked (WM_XLISTCTRL_CHECKBOX_CLICKED). The sample app shows how to handle these new messages.
Added support for tooltips. To enable tooltips, you must call CListCtrl::EnableToolTips(TRUE). If you #define constant NO_XLISTCTRL_TOOL_TIPS, the tooltip support will not be included. New API's for tooltips:
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BOOL SetItemToolTipText(int nItem, int nSubItem, LPCTSTR lpszToolTipText); CString GetItemToolTipText(int nItem, int nSubItem); void DeleteAllToolTips();
Version 1.2.1 Changes
Added build configurations for Unicode.
Minor code modifications to support Unicode strings.
Version 1.2 Changes
Comboboxes!!! Now you can specify drop-list combobox for one or more subitem.
Combobox will be drawn when item is highlighted. Demo now has item hot-tracking.
Incorporated David Patrick's suggestion on how to subclass header control if CXListCtrl is created dynamically via Create() instead of via dialog template. See XListCtrlTestDlg.cpp for details on how to convert the demo project to create CXListCtrl dynamically.
Tweaked drawing of subitems to make cleaner visually.
Added API's for GetCurSel and SetCurSel to make coding easier.
This software is released into the public domain. You are free to use it in any way you like, except that you may not sell this source code. If you modify it or extend it, please to consider posting new code here for everyone to share. This software is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty. I accept no liability for any damage or loss of business that this software may cause.
With this class you can easily give a skin to your buttons in few steps:
Add xSkinButton.cpp and xSkinButton.h to the project.
Include xSkinButton.h in the header file where the controls are defined
Create (or edit) a member variable for each button you want to customize as CxSkinButton. If the Class Wizard doesn't show the CxSkinButton type, select CButton and then edit the code manually.
Add the bitmap resource for the buttons:
NORMAL bitmap: default button image.
DOWN bitmap: pushed button image.
OVER bitmap:(optional) image to shown when the mouse is over the button. If NULL, NORMAL bitmap will be used.
DISABLED bitmap: (optional) image for the disabled state. If NULL, NORMAL bitmap will be used.
FOCUS bitmap: (optional) image for the focused state. If NULL, NORMAL bitmap will be used.
MASK bitmap: (optional) clipping region. If you don't use the MASK, the button will be a rectangular owner-draw control. The default transparent color is RGB(255,255,255).
In the window initialization add the CxSkinButton methods:
drawmode = if mask is not NULL, this should be 0 (normal); else you can try 1 (stretch) or 2 (tiled).
border = if mask is not NULL or is not rectangular, this should be 0; else you can try 1 to draw the standard 3D border around the button.
margin = if mask is not NULL or is not rectangular, this should be 0; else you can try to change this value to draw a dotted rectangle over the button when the control has the focus.
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The BS_OWNERDRAW style is added automatically, you don't need to set the "Owner draw" property in the resource editor.
only NORMAL and DOWN bitmaps are essential; OVER bitmap is a plus.
DISABLED bitmap is not necessary if the button is always enabled. You can also use the button text (automatically etched) to show the disabled state.
MASK bitmap is not necessary if the button is rectangular.
for rectangular buttons you should set the margin parameter greater than 0 (4 is a good choice), or use the FOCUS bitmap.
for rectangular buttons you can use 'flat' bitmaps and set the border parameter to 1. In this situation, NORMAL and DOWN bitmaps can also share the same resource.
Release History
v1.00 - 15/03/2001 - basic implementation and interface. v1.10 - 28/03/2001 enhanced mouse tracking implementation (by Milan Gardian). - SetCapture removed: accelerators now are dispatched. - Double-click handling. - Better behavior during "button-pressed" (mouse button down & holding) phase v1.20 - 02/04/2001 - New CreateRgnFromBitmap() implementation. Mask bitmap now works in any display color mode, any mask color depth and any mask size. v1.21 - 14/04/2001 - OnMouseLeave cast error fixed. - Fixed FocusRect defect when OVER bitmap was NULL. v1.30 - 25/04/2001 - Fixed CreateRgnFromBitmap failure under WinNT4.0 v1.40 - 29/06/2001 - check & radio button add on. - added "focus" bitmap. - fixed CreateRgnFromBitmap bug. - fixed shortcut bug. - fixed text drawing code. v1.41 - 27/10/2001 - Fixed memory leakage in CreateRgnFromBitmap v1.50 - 07/07/2008 - fixed memory leaks using SelectObject and GetDC (thanks to sachelis and Bernd Giesen) - added SetToolTipColor (thanks to Mykel)
Thanks to all the Code Project developers! Special thanks to: Milan Gardian for mouse and keyboard tracking code. Fable(at)aramszu(dot)net for ExtCreateRegion replacement code. Rainer Mangold for radio-button and check-box code. Andy Green and Cameron Epp for suggestions & debugging.
Adjustable contol with zooming and scrolling tabs, dragging with the mouse, custom drawing and much more
This control is based on CWnd class and can be placed as a child window anywhere, for example in the client area of the frame or dialog. Tabs can be top or bottom of child windows. The user can drag tabs using the mouse. Control has a zoom (shrink of tabs) and scrolling tabs mode. Also, if there is one tab the area of tabs can be hidden.
Using the Code
Child windows are added using their HWND and they can be of any type, for example modeless dialogs. TabCtrlconsists of three areas: control area, tabs area, windows area.
To create the control and add elements to it, you can do the next steps:
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TabCtrlEx<tabctrlstyle_vs2003_client /> m_TabCtrl; CListCtrl m_List1, m_List2, m_List3; ... ... // Creation and initialization of TabCtrl. if(m_TabCtrl.Create(this,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, CRect(0,0,0,0),100/*id of TabCtrl*/)==false) return -1; m_TabCtrl.SetBehavior(TAB_BEHAVIOR_SCROLL); CImageList imagelist, imagelistSys; CBitmap bmp, bmpSys; imagelist.Create(16,16,ILC_COLOR24 | ILC_MASK,3,0); bmp.LoadBitmap(IDB_BITMAP1); imagelist.Add(&bmp,RGB(255,0,255)); imagelistSys.Create(14,14,ILC_COLOR24 | ILC_MASK,7,0); bmpSys.LoadBitmap(IDB_BITMAP2); imagelistSys.Add(&bmpSys,RGB(255,0,255)); m_TabCtrl.SetImageLists(&imagelist,NULL); m_TabCtrl.SetSystemImageList(&imagelistSys); // Creation of child windows. if(m_List1.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_REPORT,CRect(0,0,0,0),&m_TabCtrl,2001)==0 || m_List2.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_REPORT,CRect(0,0,0,0),&m_TabCtrl,2002)==0 || m_List3.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_REPORT,CRect(0,0,0,0),&m_TabCtrl,2003)==0) return -1; // Initialization of child windows. m_List1.InsertColumn(0,_T("Mail"),LVCFMT_LEFT,100); m_List1.InsertItem(0,_T("Mail 1")); m_List2.InsertColumn(0,_T("Calendar"),LVCFMT_LEFT,100); m_List2.InsertItem(0,_T("Calendar 1")); m_List3.InsertColumn(0,_T("Contacts"),LVCFMT_LEFT,100); m_List3.InsertItem(0,_T("Contact 1")); // Attaching of child windows to the TabCtrl. if(m_TabCtrl.Add(m_List1,_T("1.Mail"),0)==NULL || m_TabCtrl.Add(m_List2,_T("2.Calendar"),1)==NULL || m_TabCtrl.Add(m_List3,_T("3.Contacts"),2)==NULL) return -1; // Load state from registry and update. m_TabCtrl.LoadState(AfxGetApp(),_T("TabCtrl"),_T("State")); m_TabCtrl.Update();
Class TabCtrl not perform any rendering. For its drawing, it calls the functions of TabCtrlDraw interface. In general, to set the style TabCtrl you need to create an object inherited from interface ITabCtrlStyle and pass a pointer to it, using the function InstallStyle. This interface should provide a pointer to TabCtrlDrawfor drawing, ITabCtrlRecalc to specify the size and spacing of their regions, ITabCtrlBehavior to correct the behavior of the control and ITabCtrlToolTip to define custom tooltip for the tabs and buttons. Object of class of style must exist during work of control. To do this, you can create an intermediate class like TabCtrlComplex. If you are working with only one style, then use the template class TabCtrlEx. The class name of the style is defined as a template parameter, for example:
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TabCtrlEx<TabCtrlStyle_VS2003_client> m_TabCtrl;
Some styles have already been created. For example, styles similar to the tabs of working files and docking/floating panels in Visual Studio 2003, 2008 and 2010. To create your own styles, see classes TabCtrlStyle_VS2003_client, TabCtrlStyle_VS2003_bars, TabCtrlStyle_VS2008_client_classic, etc. Classes TabCtrlRecalcStub and TabCtrlBehaviorStub create a default implementation for the functions of ITabCtrlRecalc and ITabCtrlBehavior interfaces respectively. You can use them to create your own style objects.
Control requires a call of Update(true) after you add or delete tabs, as well as change its properties and state.
If the text of the tab is not fully visible and allowed tooltips (ToolTipEnable) and the mouse cursor is over the tab, then tooltip appears with its text. But if the function SetTabTooltipText was called, then the specified text is displayed always.
Control does not send messages to the parent window and uses an interface TabCtrlNotify for notification of the events. Use SetNotifyManager to set the pointer to your implementation of TabCtrlNotify.
By default, all drawing is based on double buffering, it excludes any blinking. If you want, use VirtualWindow::DoubleBuffering(false) to disable double buffering.
Good luck.
void CWATForView::OnInitialUpdate(){
//------------------------------------------- // formview 에서 스크롤 없애기 CSize scrollSize(0,0); SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT,scrollSize);