C# 시간관련 https://202psj.tistory.com/1274?category=179380 |
출처: https://hyunity3d.tistory.com/367
특정 시간마다 호출되는 함수를 만들고 싶을수 있습니다.
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class CsGameManager : MonoBehaviour { private float TimeLeft = 2.0f; private float nextTime = 0.0f; void MoveMoles() { print("moveMole!"); } void Update() { //2초마다 실행 if(Time.time > nextTime){ nextTime = Time.time + TimeLeft; MoveMoles(); } } |
유니티 내에 존재하는 함수도 있음아래 함수는 특정시간 후 함수 호출 (반복호출시 끝에 Invoke("MoveMoles", 2.0f)) 를 넣어주면 계속해서 반복호출이 되겠죠?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CsGameManager : MonoBehaviour {
void Start()
Invoke("MoveMoles", 2.0f);
void MoveMoles()
아래처럼 코루틴을 사용하는 방법이 제일 일반 적인 방법이 아닐까 싶습니다.
아래코드는 CountTime이 무한 반복 됩니다.
using UnitEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
StartCoroutine(CountTime, 1);
IEnumerator CountTime(float delayTime) {
Debug.Log("Time : " + Time.time);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayTime);
StartCoroutine(CountTime, 1);
출처: https://hyunity3d.tistory.com/367 [Unity3D]
출처: http://davidknopp.net/code-samples/task-scheduler-c-unity/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Gemini
public class TaskScheduler : IScheduledTask
#region public
public struct TaskRecord : IEquatable<TaskRecord>
public IScheduledTask m_task;
public uint m_frequency;
public int m_phase;
// implement IEquatable to avoid allocations for calls to List.Contains
public bool Equals( TaskRecord record )
return m_task == record.m_task &&
m_frequency == record.m_frequency &&
m_phase == record.m_phase;
public override bool Equals( object obj )
return Equals( ( TaskRecord )obj );
public override int GetHashCode()
return HashCode.Combine( m_task.GetHashCode(),
m_phase.GetHashCode() );
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="phaseIterationCount">Number of frame iterations to look at when determining the optimum phase for a task</param>
public TaskScheduler( int phaseIterationCount )
m_tasks = new List<TaskRecord>();
m_frame = 0;
m_phaseIterationCount = phaseIterationCount;
public int TaskCount
get { return m_tasks.Count; }
public int Frame
get { return m_frame; }
/// <summary>
/// Registers the given task for scheduled updates
/// </summary>
/// <param name="task">The task to schedule</param>
/// <param name="frequency">The desired update frequency, in frames</param>
/// <param name="phase">An offset used to scatter tasks with similar frequencies</param>
public void AddTask( IScheduledTask task, uint frequency, int phase )
Assert.IsFalse( frequency == 0, string.Format( "TaskScheduler.AddTask: Frequency for task '{0}' must be greater than 0", task ) );
m_tasks.Add( new TaskRecord
m_task = task,
m_frequency = frequency,
m_phase = phase
} );
/// <summary>
/// Registers the given task for scheduled updates, with an automatic phase assignment
/// </summary>
/// <param name="task">The task to schedule</param>
/// <param name="frequency">The desired update frequency, in frames</param>
public void AddTask( IScheduledTask task, uint frequency )
Assert.IsFalse( frequency == 0, string.Format( "TaskScheduler.AddTask: Frequency for task '{0}' must be greater than 0", task ) );
AddTask( task, frequency, FindOptimumPhase() );
public void RemoveTask( IScheduledTask task )
int index = m_tasks.FindIndex( x => x.m_task == task );
Assert.IsTrue( index > 0, string.Format( "TaskScheduler.RemoveTask: Task '{0}' isn't registered with the scheduler", task ) );
if ( index > 0 )
m_tasks.RemoveAt( index );
public void ChangeFrequency( IScheduledTask task, uint frequency )
Assert.IsFalse( frequency == 0, string.Format( "TaskScheduler.ChangeFrequency: Frequency for task '{0}' must be greater than 0", task ) );
// remove and re-add task to recalculate phase
RemoveTask( task );
AddTask( task, frequency );
public void ScheduledTick()
for ( int i = 0; i < m_tasks.Count; i++ )
TaskRecord record = m_tasks[i];
if ( IsTaskScheduled( record, m_frame ) )
#endregion // public
#region private
private List<TaskRecord> m_tasks;
private int m_frame;
private int m_phaseIterationCount;
private bool IsTaskScheduled( TaskRecord record, int frame )
int offsetFrame = frame - record.m_phase;
return offsetFrame >= 0 &&
( offsetFrame % record.m_frequency ) == 0;
private int FindOptimumPhase()
int phase = 0;
int minTaskCount = int.MaxValue;
// look ahead to find frame with fewest running tasks
for ( int frame = m_frame; frame < m_phaseIterationCount; ++frame )
int frameTaskCount = 0;
// count number of tasks scheduled to run this frame
for ( int i = 0; i < m_tasks.Count; i++ )
if ( IsTaskScheduled( m_tasks[i], frame ) )
if ( frameTaskCount < minTaskCount )
minTaskCount = frameTaskCount;
phase = frame - m_frame;
return phase;
#endregion // private
- https://docs.unity3d.com/kr/current/Manual/TimeFrameManagement.html
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