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html5 UI 엔진과 프레임워크 사이트 관련


by AlrepondTech 2020. 9. 21. 02:12





Zebra brings fresh view and possibilities to develop WEB based Rich UI applications. The approach sits on top of HTML5 Canvas element what makes possible to render any imaginable UI. Zebra development is much closer to software engineering where you write well structured, supportable, extendable code basing on easy Zebra OOP concept. You keep distance from the mess of HTML, JavaScript code, CSS and DOM manipulation. Zebra is pure WEB based alternative to Flash or Applet technologies that doesn’t require a plugging on a client side to be installed. In the same time Zebra utilizes power, simplicity and beauty of JavaScript coding.

Depending on your needs any of the demonstrated at the picture below modules can be used separately. Inner module is included in outer. 

  • Zebra Rich UI. Full package that includes more than 30 various Rich UI components that are built basing on Zebra UI engine.
  • Zebra UI engine. This is powerful engine for rendering,  events handling, layering, layout and focus management and many other things.
  • Zebra IO. Small package that include XML-RPC, JSON-RPC and other service communication stuff


Zebra UI: http://www.zebkit.com/




DHTMLX Touch - HTML5 JavaScript Mobile Framework


DHTMLX Touch is a free, open source JavaScript mobile framework for building HTML5-based web apps for mobile devices (iOS, Android, Blackberry). It provides the whole range of UI elements allowing developers to create visually appealing web interfaces with touchscreen user experience.


DHTMLX - Ajax & JavaScript Component Library


DHTMLX offers a cross-browser JavaScript UI library for building Ajax-based web apps. It includes a set of ready-to-use UI components that can be easily combined into a single application interface or used separately.

You can use the DHTMLX library with any server-side technology:PHP, Java, ASP.NET, Ruby, Grails, ColdFusion, Python, etc. To simplify client-server communication, we offer specialconnectors that help you integrate the DHTMLX components with the backend logic.

You can use the DHTMLX components bundled or standalone. The advantage of using the wholedhtmlxSuite is that the logic model of the components and the API creation approach are similar. This simplifies the understanding of the library and speeds up the development of web interfaces.


사이트: http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/



Comprehensive HTML5/JavaScript framework for modern web and mobile app development

Kendo UI is everything professional developers need to build HTML5 sites and mobile apps. Today, productivity of an average HTML/jQuery developer is hampered by assembling a Frankenstein framework of disparate JavaScript libraries 
and plug-ins.

Kendo UI has it all: rich jQuery-based widgets, a simple and consistent programming interface, a rock-solid DataSource, validation, internationalization, a MVVM framework, themes, templates and the list goes on.

What's included in Kendo UI

사이트: http://www.kendoui.com/?gclid=CPjkss347LcCFYUhpQodzhsAjA





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