출처: http://psinke.wordpress.com/2010/01/12/flash-actionscript-3-focus-rectangle-color/
Flash Actionscript 3 Focus Rectangle Color
By default Flash adds a very ugly yellow focus rectangle around interactive objects. But luckily with a little scripting this can be adjusted.
Pretty much all you need to do is hide the one flash generates, and create your own.
Here’s a bit of AS3 to make it work:
button_mc.tabIndex = 0;
button_mc.focusRect = false;
button_mc.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, showFocus);
button_mc.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, hideFocus);
So ‘button_mc’ is my button movieclip instancename, now let’s setup a simple glow effect when the button get’s focus:
var glowIn:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0x003822,0.6,6,6,2,2);
var glowOut:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0x003822,0,6,6,2,2);
function showFocus(evnt:FocusEvent):void{
Tweener.addTween(button_mc.buttonBG_mc, {_filter:glowIn, time:0.5});
function hideFocus(evnt:FocusEvent):void{
Tweener.addTween(button_mc.buttonBG_mc, {_filter:glowOut, time:0.8});
I’m using caurina for the glow effect. So I’ve imported the library like so (also including the Event namespace for the actual working of the events):
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import caurina.transitions.properties.FilterShortcuts;
import caurina.transitions.properties.DisplayShortcuts;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
And there you have it; a nice glow around my button when I press TAB, or click it.
출처: http://www.actionscript.org/forums/showthread.php3?t=149889
Hi all I was struggling with preloaders till i found this tutorial http://www.bit-101.com/blog/?p=946 this allow me to preload in 1 SWF, and works the thing is that when finished preloading, and started my real app, it now shows a Yellow Rectangle Focus on the Main window... to say that the focus is of the size of the stage. if you press TAB or click on stage it goes away. I want to get ride of it, and i tried focusRect = null everywhere but without working Before using this prealoder, it wasn't showing. and if i come back to regular loading also doesn't show. does anybody has a clue? |
10-12-2007, 07:00 PM | #2 |
Sekhar Marketer/Technologist Join Date: Aug 2007 Location: San Diego, CA Posts: 434 |
Making it null will make Flash use the stage setting - assign stage.stageFocusRect = false. |
10-12-2007, 07:07 PM | #3 |
eka Registered User Join Date: Oct 2007 Posts: 4 |
Quote: Yes, that worked out just right! Thanks!! |
출처: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as2/reference/flashlite/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118ccf9c47f-7d0a.html
Home / Flash Lite 2.x and 3.x ActionScript Language Reference / ActionScript language elements / Global properties_focusrect propertySpecifies whether a yellow rectangle appears around the button or movie clip that has keyboard focus. If _focusrect is set to its default value of true, a yellow rectangle appears around the currently focused button or movie clip as the user presses the Tab key to navigate through objects in a SWF file. Specify false if you do not want to show the yellow rectangle. This is a property that can be overridden for specific instances.If the global _focusrect property is set to false, the default behavior for all buttons and movie clips is that keyboard navigation is limited to the Tab key. All other keys, including the Enter and arrow keys, are ignored. To restore full keyboard navigation, you must set _focusrect to true. To restore full keyboard functionality for a specific button or movie clip, you can override this global property by using either Button._focusrect or MovieClip._focusrect. Note: If you use a component, FocusManager overrides Flash Player's focus handling, including use of this global property. Note: For the Flash Lite 2.0 player, when the _focusrect property is disabled (such as Button.focusRect = false or MovieClip.focusRect = false ), the button or movie clip still receives all events. This behavior is different from the Flash player, for when the_focusrect property is disabled, the button or movie clip will receive the rollOver and rollOut events but will not receive the press and release events. Also for Flash Lite 2.0, you can change the color of the focus rectangle by using the fscommand2 SetFocusRectColor command. This behavior is different from Flash Player, where the color of the focus rectangle is restricted to yellow. Availability Flash Lite 1.0 Example The following example demonstrates how to hide the yellow rectangle around any instances in a SWF file when they have focus in a browser window. Create some buttons or movie clips and add the following ActionScript in Frame 1 of the Timeline: See also _focusrect (Button._focusrect property), _focusrect (MovieClip._focusrect property) |
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