게임엔진관련/유니티 엔진

[Unity] 유니티 빌드시 NDK not Found, 빌드에러 관련

AlrepondTech 2019. 11. 29. 00:33










NDK 최신버전 다운로드



NDK 이전버전 다운로드



유니티에서 만약에 NDK error 또는 NDK not Found 가 떠서 못찾는다면 위의 링크에서 알맞는 버전을 찾고

따로 폴더를 생성에서 압축을 풀어둔다.

(유니티 버전업이나, 안드로이드 스튜디오NDK 업데이트할때 뜨는 경우가 있다, 그렇게 뜨다가 또 유니티 버전업하면

해결되는 경우도 있다.)



유니티에디터(메뉴탭:Edit) -> Preferences (그림1, 2) 로 들어간다.








Preferences -> External Tools -> Android NDK Installed with Unity 

이부분에 체크를 풀면 폴더를 선택할수 있는데,

유니티에서 원하는 버전을(2019.11.28일 기준으로 NDK버전을 android-ndk-r16b 로 해주었다)

위에 링크에서 받은 NDK를 받고 자신이 설정해준 폴더에 NDK를 풀고 그폴더를 선택해주면 된다.














출처: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57347932/unity-2019-2-0f1-unable-to-locate-android-ndk


I am trying to test in app purchases in Unity 2019.2.0f1, and when I try to build the apk, I keep getting error: Unable to locate Android NDK even though I downloaded Android NDK r16b and changed the path in Edit --> Preferences --> External tools

I searched alot and tried to install more than one version of NDK, and also tried to add the path of NDK in Environment Variables in settings of My Computer but the error kept showing.

Can someone please tell me how to solve this problem ?


If you are using Unity Hub, you can just check the box where it sais add android support, that downloads everything you need for android development automatically.

I had the same issue in Unity 2019.2.8f1 on mac. My solution is going to Edit --> Preferences --> External tools and uncheck "android NDK installed with Unity". Then add the specific NDK folder path in it. For me, it is /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.8f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/NDK/*android-ndk-r16b*

Interestingly, the automatic setup by unity is /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.8f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/NDK/ which missed the specific folder name android-ndk-r16b. So I just add android-ndk-r16b at the end of the last folder path. Hope this helps.








출처: https://answers.unity.com/questions/1629451/unable-to-locate-android-ndk-windows-jenkins.html



jenkins > config > system > global property > environment
add ndk abs path like

  1. D:\tool\android-ndk-r13b

maybe windows system environment also works.

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JinChao_90 · Jul-30 PM 07:46 0


hi , I have encountered the same problem. Could you please tell me how to configure your NDK specifically?

Android PostProcess task "Detecting Android SDK" took 1099.3211 ms DisplayProgressbar: Detect Android NDK UnityException: Android SDK not found Unable to locate Android NDK.

masak  JinChao_90 · Jul-31 AM 05:51 0


my environment settings are

key:ANDROID_HOME value: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Android key:ANDROID_NDK_ROOT value:C\User\***\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk-bundle key:ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value:C\User\***\AppData\Local\Android\sdk

please check your jenkins system environment








- https://forum.unity.com/threads/solved-android-ndk-missing.689122/

- http://today7e.blogspot.com/2018/06/unity-android-ndk-is-missing-platforms.html

- https://ai-programmer.tistory.com/4






