ADOBE/ ActionScript

adobe air 기본 제공으로 디바이스 정보 (네트워크, 시리얼, 각종 지원정보등등) 관련

AlrepondTech 2014. 11. 21. 11:10

















package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.system.Capabilities; public class CapabilitiesExample extends Sprite { public function CapabilitiesExample() { showCapabilities(); } private function showCapabilities():void { trace("avHardwareDisable: " + Capabilities.avHardwareDisable); trace("hasAccessibility: " + Capabilities.hasAccessibility); trace("hasAudio: " + Capabilities.hasAudio); trace("hasAudioEncoder: " + Capabilities.hasAudioEncoder); trace("hasEmbeddedVideo: " + Capabilities.hasEmbeddedVideo); trace("hasMP3: " + Capabilities.hasMP3); trace("hasPrinting: " + Capabilities.hasPrinting); trace("hasScreenBroadcast: " + Capabilities.hasScreenBroadcast); trace("hasScreenPlayback: " + Capabilities.hasScreenPlayback); trace("hasStreamingAudio: " + Capabilities.hasStreamingAudio); trace("hasVideoEncoder: " + Capabilities.hasVideoEncoder); trace("isDebugger: " + Capabilities.isDebugger); trace("language: " + Capabilities.language); trace("localFileReadDisable: " + Capabilities.localFileReadDisable); trace("manufacturer: " + Capabilities.manufacturer); trace("os: " + Capabilities.os); trace("pixelAspectRatio: " + Capabilities.pixelAspectRatio); trace("playerType: " + Capabilities.playerType); trace("screenColor: " + Capabilities.screenColor); trace("screenDPI: " + Capabilities.screenDPI); trace("screenResolutionX: " + Capabilities.screenResolutionX); trace("screenResolutionY: " + Capabilities.screenResolutionY); trace("serverString: " + Capabilities.serverString); trace("version: " + Capabilities.version); } } }













You use the MAC address of the device.


To obtain the address at runtime, use the NetworkInfo class, which gets a list of interfaces

and looks for a hardwareAddress. It is the MAC address for your device:


if (NetworkInfo.isSupported) {

trace("network information is supported");


var network:NetworkInfo = NetworkInfo.networkInfo;

for each (var object:NetworkInterface in network.findInterfaces()) {

if (object.hardwareAddress) {





The address looks something like this:









